LRA Board of Director Roles (explained)


London Ringette Association Board of Directors and Other Roles


The President will:

a) Preside at all meetings of the Executive Committee and at all Annual General and special General Meetings of the LRA.

b) Be responsible for preparing an agenda for each Executive Special and Annual General Meeting and shall present the written report to members at the Annual General Meeting.

c) Decide on all points of order and will be responsible for the proper conduct of the meeting. Roberts Rules of Order will govern in case of a conflict.

d) Is an ex-officio member of every sub-committee formed by the LRA

e) See to the application of the Constitution and Bylaws and will be responsible for ensuring that the other directors perform their appointed duties.

f) Be responsible for directing the overall activities of the LRA

g) Not vote except in the ease of a tie, when he/she shall cast the deciding vote.

h) Be the official between the LRA and the Ontario Ringette Association and shall be responsible for ensuring that all O.R.A correspondence is brought before the LRA.


The Past President will:

a) Be an advisor to the President and the Executive Committee and will assist the President in whatever duties requested by the President.

b) Act as Chairperson of the Nominating Committee for purposes of filling the offices to be elected at the Annual General Meeting. Shall also be Chairperson of the Nominating Committee if deemed necessary by the Executive for purposes of nominating members to the Executive to replace members who have resigned or been suspended.

c) Shall be an ex-official member of the Executive and shall only serve a one-year term of office. The Past President cannot be appointed or elected and when in attendance at an Executive Committee meeting has no vote.


The Vice-President will:

a) Have all the powers and shall execute all the duties of the President in his/her absence.

b) Also have the powers and responsibilities which may be assigned by the President or the Executive Committee.

c) Will co-ordinate and collect all reports for the Annual General Meeting.


The Treasurer will:

a) Responsible for opening and maintaining proper documentation of all bank accounts required by the LRA.

b) Responsible for maintaining receipts and bank statements related to yearly expenses. This includes balancing of all deposit and disbursements made in those accounts

c) Electronic ledger of expenses required to track expenses for both the lottery and main chequing account.

d) Responsible for the preparation and presentation of the financial statements the LRA including the proper categorization of expenses. Presentation at banquet may be required.

e) Expenses must be categorized to allow comparison with previous seasons Monitor expenses for improvements and cost reduction strategies.

f) Each new season a proposed operating budget incorporating expected revenues and expenses is required.

g) All payment for expenses will be paid by cheque and verified by both the president and the treasurer.

h) In conjunction with the registrar account for all membership fees paid in each year.

i) A financial status report is required for each executive meeting.

j) Final reports are to be supplied and saved in electronic format.


The Registrar will:

a) Be responsible for ensuring that registrations are held each year before the end of September and that all necessary arrangements are made for the smooth and orderly running of the Registration.

b) Ensure all necessary forms are available.

c) Instruct everyone involved in the proper way to register. (i.e. when, where, forms to fill, registration fee etc.)

d) Keep all waiting lists for each age group. The Registrar is the only person authorized to place players from this list onto teams in the LRA

e) Keep a register of all players in the LRA and be responsible for the eligibility of all prayers. f) Register all players with the O.R.A. and Ringette Canada in the Membership Services program on the O.R.A. website.


The Secretary will:

a) Take minutes of all LRA meetings and Special General Meetings of the LRA and of all Executive Committee meetings. In the absence of the Secretary, the President shall appoint a secretary to keep minutes of any particular meeting.

b) Have the responsibility for keeping all the records and correspondence for the LRA in appropriate order.

c) Provide each member of the Executive Committee with minutes of every meeting.

d) In conjunction with the Registrar; will be responsible for updating and keeping a record of the names, addresses and telephone numbers of all members of the LRA

e) Upon instructions from the President, will be responsible for calling all meetings of the Executive Committee and of all Annual and Special Meetings of the members.

f) Will ensure the duties of the Archives and Newsletter sub-committee are carried out. He/she will also bring forward to the Executive Committee any reports from these sub-committees unless the chairperson of the sub-committee is requested to be present in person.


The Coaching Coordinator will:

a) Recommend to the Executive committee the Head Coaches for each team before the beginning of the season.

b) Encourage and co-ordinate the certification of all coaches to at least Level 1 and encourages and promotes higher level certification as it becomes available.

c) Co-ordinate community level and N.C.C.P. clinics and encourage attendance of all coaches where possible.

d) Counsel coaches where deemed necessary.

e) Conduct coaches meetings at the beginning of each year and, additionally as appropriate, to establish procedures for tournament, game scheduling conflicts, etc.

f) Obtain and distribute all information regarding tournaments including O.R.A. play downs, provincials etc. in a timely manner to all coaches. Coaches should be kept up-to-date on any changes in tournament details when available.


The Equipment Manager will:

a) Order all necessary equipment in order that it is available for the first regular season game.

b) Ensure the goalie equipment is repaired or replaced whenever necessary

c) Be responsible for collecting all referee equipment belonging to the LRA from the Referee in Chief at the end of the season.

d) Distribute uniform information to appropriate teams in a timely manner to order team wear.

e) Store all trophies, plaques and tournament-related awards left over at the end of the season.


The Marketing & Social Media Coordinator will:

a) Publicize all aspects of Ringette in London.

b) Publicize upcoming events.

c) Ensure that information pamphlets are available to the public.

d) Publicize tournaments and special events on website.

e) Any other appropriate action to promote the game of Ringette in London and surrounding areas.

f) In conjunction with the Registrar, ensure that full publicity is given to the Registration times, dates, places etc.

g) Place advertisements in the London and other local and area newspapers.


The Player Development Coordinator will:

a) Develop and implement strategies, clinics, and programs to enhance player development at all levels.


The Tournament Convenor (non Board position) will:

a) be responsible for leading all aspects of the London Pink-the-Rink Tournament, and Regionals (when applicable) 


The Webmaster will:

a) Run the LRA website and keep it up-to-date with current information and news. 

b) Manage LRA email system and aliases


The Referee In-Chief (non Board position) will:

a) Select and train referees to officiate all LRA games.

b) Ensure that referees are present to officiate all LRA sponsored games.

c) Maintain a high degree of quality in the referees, to encourage all referees to reach higher levels of certification.

d) Ensure that all referees officiate by O.R.A. rules except in cases where LRA Rules of Operations take precedence. 


The Ice Coordinator (non Board position) will:

a) Be responsible for obtaining ice required by the LRA for regular season games and practices for the following season.

b) Schedule all games and practices for the LRA excluding tournaments, ensuring ice is allotted to each team in a fair and conscientious manner.

c) Give copies of the ice schedule to each coach, Referee in Chief, and the President.

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